Friday, January 14, 2022

Caught Covid

 Well, we’ve caught it. Covid. I seem to have gotten it the worst. Cough, congestion, and sneezing are the lingering symptoms. The first few days I had a killer headache, body aches, and some nausea. The cough developed a little later. So far I’m doing okay though, it feels like a cold. The beginning felt a bit like the flu. 

Lailah had brought it home after going to sleep out at her friend Katrina’s. Her friends neighbor must have had it, she was sick with something. Lailah had very similar symptoms as me but hers cleared up after a few days. 

Justin only lost his taste and smell, thank god. I was worried about him. 

All the kids also had it but we’re asymptomatic, we only know they had it because of the Pcr tests. 

Pretty much everyone has Covid right now and over 800k people have died from this virus since the beginning. 

Friday, January 7, 2022

2022 is here

 Well, it’s managed to hit my household. Covid that is. But I haven’t gotten sick and neither have the babies. Lailah got it the worst and its as bad as an actual cold to her. She has a runny nose, a cough, sore throat, she had a 100.4 fever for a couple of days at night but that’s gone away. Justin felt crummy for a couple days and lost his taste and smell. But that’s as bad as it’s hit so far. 

I’ve started practicing polyamory again. I’m talking to a guy who I think is just so sweet and genuine. I met him a few days ago and I felt comfortable around him. I really want to see how things go between us but I’m struggling because he texts me back only a couple times a day at most lately. It’s triggering my anxiety. I know that if I want to see how things go with him more that it’s likely something I have to accept about him - he just isn’t very good at getting back to people. 🤷‍♀️ My current best friend, Sabrina, thinks that he’s a sweet talker and she doesn’t trust him. Justin isn’t much of a fan of him either so far. 

Justin and I are great. Our sex life is amazing, he knows everything I like, though we’re inhibited during sex cuz we don’t want the kids hearing lol, it’s still great. I love him so much. I don’t think our relationship has ever been stronger than it is right now. 💖 

Lailah has a lot going on in her life right now. She had a friend, who she’s been friends with for a while, tell her that she was cutting, drinking, and having sex with adult men. At 13! So Lailah told her she couldn’t be friends with her unless she wanted to try to get help. I ended up getting concerned about said friend and I called the police and told them about all I knew; who of course did nothing. Now Lailah is afraid that this girl will have her friends jump her at school. 

Noel is doing great. I should be making him go onto distance learning but I haven’t had it in me to get him to sign out. The school wants him out until the 20th! He hasn’t shown any symptoms of being sick at all yet he has to stay out longer than Lailah does, who was positive for Covid. He’s been moody mostly when he’s hungry lately. He gets pretty hangry! 

Thea and Emrys have been great too, no signs of being sick at all either! 

Thea is a sweetheart who tells Justin and I that she loves us a billion times a day lol (ok seriously maybe 100x!) 😂 she only gets upset at Emrys because he’s a little brute who loves to bite and pull hair. Lol! She loves to help cook, take the trash out, go to the store, and go anywhere that daddy goes out of the house! 

Emrys is adorable of course. He is getting his 8th tooth and it’s a molar. He’s walking and attempting words. He is a little brute like mentioned above lol. He has this adorable little quirk - when he’s dancing he brings his right elbow way up like a chicken wing and shimmy’s! 😂 literally so adorable. 

Oh!!  And we’ve just moved! Finally!! We are living in the house right in back of my moms. I love being nearby to them. Though, my dad is living here too- temporarily, until he can get disability housing. Everyone but my brother is here, though thankfully he doesn’t live but 5 minutes away. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Life resuming back to normal

 I haven’t updated in a while. 

Things have been good. Life is pretty much back to normal, although covid is still present and there’s a new strain called delta. I have been able to resume back to playing poker though so that’s been fun! I won the other night. Justin and my relationship has been great- I feel like we’re closest that we’ve been in years. Our baby was born - he’s 10 months old and we did end up naming him Emrys Phoenix. We (the kids and I) got through distance learning and the return to school wearing masks. Noel had a rough time with one of his teachers though, I filed a complaint against her and moved his classroom to another teacher. He also started seeing a therapist - through FaceTime (virtual appointments). 

I’ve spent a lot of my time lately crocheting, caring for the kids, and attending poker with my mom. But otherwise, I still haven’t gotten out of the house too much.

I currently have a head cold but I was tested for covid and it came back negative, thankfully. 

Not much else to report in on. Until next time… 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pandemic continues, no response from Liz, and life is a nightmare

We’re getting into the thick of it, this pandemic that is - SARS-COV-2, the disease brings COVID -19.  277 new cases today since yesterday in my state of R.I. alone. 8 new deaths and one guy was in his 20s. It’s getting really scary. I haven’t left my house, except to go grocery shopping twice, in about a month now. It’s projected that the cases will continue to get worse and won’t hit its peak until mid May - a whole month + from now. Scary scary virus and scary scary times. The grocery stores are nearly empty especially the ice cream and frozen breakfast section for some reason, completely empty.
I tried to text Liz, telling her that I cared about them and hope they’re staying safe and healthy but I got no response back. Go figure, right?

I’m just barely hanging on. We’ve (the kids and I) been doing distant learning online for about 3 weeks, going on 4 weeks soon. It’s been going... I’ve been overwhelmed. 
I did make the baby a blanket. We paid for something called “sneak peak” which tells gender results based on a home finger pricked blood test. Supposedly if they pick up the Y chromosome in the blood you’re having a boy and if it’s not detected then you’re having a girl. The chromosome was detected in my boy so I got the BOY result! Justin and I decided on naming him Emrys Phoenix. He’s started moving to where I can feel it the past couple weeks  ðŸ’• 
My pregnancy so far is going well but we’re in the middle of this pandemic which is really causing a lot of fear and anxiety. I have my anatomy ultrasound in 3 weeks and I have to go in alone to it, no visitors or guests are allowed due to the virus. I can’t even convey how scared I am. 85% of the time I wish I could hit my vape to handle the amount of fear and panic I consistently feel but I know it’s not the healthiest choice for the baby so I’ve been avoiding. 
Today was a very stressful day so I wish I could today really bad, but I haven’t. The landlord tested blowing up our phones being a bitch about the mattresses outside our house telling us they need to go ASAP - even though the state isn’t taking them due to the virus... where does she expect they go?! Ugh. And then Sara - Justin’s sister who is living with us temporarily and for the past month refuses to pay rent as long as she’s bringing Justin to work. That’s $400 she’s refusing to pay us that we should be getting. I lowered it to $200 to take off what she’s paying in rent and she said it was unfair and if she had to pay it then she no longer was bringing or picking up Justin from work. Fucking bitch. So I’m angry and feeling used about that. And the only reason she’s even taking him to work and home is because our engine and transmission went on our van about a week ago and my cousin who was taking Justin to work and home moved to ct. I feel like it’s the LEAST she could do - is take him to work while she stays here, alongside paying rent. But clearly she thinks differently so I’m gonna draft a contract that she needs to pay us $500 a month and my mom is going to help with Justin’s rides until we can get the van fixed which will take a couple of weeks. 
Life feels like a nightmare right now but the good news is is that my med is working so I don’t feel like dying, and I got approved for disability. It’ll be helpful a lot. 
Tomorrow I plan on doing a fun activity with the kids - blowing colored bubbles onto paper, once Noel finishes his schoolwork online. I hope and believe they will enjoy it. 
Well, it’s getting late and I’ve got to get these littles in bed. Til another time ... 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic

Since I’ve last posted we’ve had to go into self isolation/quarantine as part of a country wide social distancing practice. We are in the middle of a pandemic - The Coronavirus -aka- Covid-19. It’s very scary to leave our homes to do anything, even grocery shop. All of the schools are closed so we are doing distant learning, aka homeschooling with teacher directive through online programs such as google classroom and google hangouts. There’s not much on the shelves at the grocery stores because people have already gone out and panic bought everything they could off the shelves - especially toilet paper and bread.
I’ve survived the first day of distant learning here at home with the older two littles, Lailah and Noel. Noel learned all day about the Savanna, the animals, the ecosystem, and he did some math as well. Lailah learned a variety of subjects that are typical for 6th grade. Thea was a bit stressful because she wanted them to play and wanted my attention often and couldn’t understand why she couldn’t have either of what she wanted as much as she wanted it.
Otherwise, so far - things are going alright. Sara, Justin’s sister moved in last week but then quickly became ill with something so she’s out at the hospital trapped there without visitors, as the hospitals aren’t allowing any and they’re pretty much on lockdown.
My pregnancy is progressing well, I’m 14 weeks. I’ve been cramping the last couple of days but I think it’s because I went grocery shopping the other day. Otherwise I’m feeling alright. We don’t have many boy names but I think we’ve agreed on the name Auralea for a girl. The only boy name that’s on my mind currently is Leander so we will see. I was very disappointed and sad yesterday since I had to cancel our 4D gender ultrasound. But it’s not worth it to potentially get this pretty severe virus that’s going around.
The only really good news is that the new Animal Crossing game came out for the Switch and I was able to get it. Now during any spare time I have I’ll have something to do.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Haven't posted in a long while.

Wow, I haven't written in a long while.
You know what that means right... I've been struggling.
I ended up getting scammed by Sujai Johnson of the Gentle Parents Unite group for a lot of money which really hurt me and caused me to lose a lot of faith in others and in myself. I pulled away from the internet a lot since then and I've been mostly just battling with my depression and taking care of my home and family. I broke up with my other partner, Brad, which I am not having any issues with, I'm glad I did, it wasn't a good fit.
Justin and I started trying for our last baby soon after Christmas last year and we got pregnant very first try so we are expecting our last little baby, I am currently about 9 weeks pregnant.
Other than that I don't have too much to add. I am still hoping to return to school after this baby is born and ages a bit to the age I feel safe enough to leave him or her. Unless I take night classes I guess because I would always feel comfortable leaving baby at home with Justin.
Not much else to add... I really just came on here to add a note to Bennett and maybe update Althea's blog as well.
Ah, I'll also add that I have finally finished applying for disability, for my depression/anxiety/etc. I'll know if I get approved within the next 4 months or so... only time will tell..
I feel so completely useless and worthless "needing" disability for us to get by. But I know working right now is not good for my mental or emotional health whatsoever. I will one day feel better, I know I will, but for now, I'm just trying to care for my children and stay alive at the same time.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

I have a vision for the future.

I've been up and I've been down.
Things have been all over the place. A couple weeks ago Althea had a seizure, it was very scary, but thankfully she's ok because it was just a febrile seizure. But that really brought about a lot of anxiety within me.
I had a dream last week where I had gone to see Bennett, I was driving down to SC to see him - unapproved. People were trying to stop me but I didn't care, I just wanted to see him, watch him, and know that he was healthy and safe from afar. Creepily. I couldn't help it. I needed to see him with my own eyes, which I haven't in almost 8 years. :(
Since then, I've been battling days where it's really hard to leave bed, my body is just so extremely heavy, and I'm beyond exhausted. But I'm doing what I can.
I also started training for a new job called The Nan Project. It's a suicide prevention agency - non profit organization that has peer mentorship in high schools throughout MA, as well as other meetings about suicide awareness and bringing mental health awareness to others. I feel that this is an important part of my journey.

Recently, I've been finding my purpose. I believe I'm here to help my generation and the newer generations access more adequate information on raising children. Information on brain development, parenting strategies that benefit the actively growing brain, beneficial therapeutic interaction that helps parents teach coping skills, emotional recognition, and emotional regulation to their children. As well as implementing programs that bring more resources to parents from the moment they find they're expecting to 18 years of age. The programs I have in mind focus on baby items, clothing items, and toys that are in a donate/ borrow type system, as well as doula partnerships, midwifery partnerships, gentle parenting coaching partnerships, postnatal mother support services - cleaning, childcare, food planning, grocery shopping, all for no cost to the new parents in low income communities. This is my vision that I will begin to work towards and hopefully the proper avenues will continue to open for me. The Nan Project as well as work with the Gentle Parenting group owner on FB Sujai, who is a parenting coach, are my starting point at this time. I hope to be able to find and use all the resources they are able to offer me on bringing my vision to fruition.